Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Game of the month - Junior Scrabble

Scrabble is one of the most popular board games in the world.  The brainchild in 1931 of an unemployed architect, Alfred Butts, it was originally called Lexico and had little success.   But with some minor changes, simplified rules and a name change to Scrabble by James Bunt in 1948, it has now sold over 150 million sets and been translated into more than 22 languages. One of the variations of this ever popular game is Junior Scrabble.
Junior Scrabble is a fun way to introduce kids to the classic game, while helping them learn letters, simple words, strategic thinking to get the best score and the social skills developed when playing competitive games with others.
double sided game board giving 2 levels of play for 2 - 4 players, 84 letter tiles, 29 blue counters, 16 red counters, 1 tile bag, instruction booklet

 How to Play:
Level 1:  ages 5 - 8years.  Uses the 'Words and Pictures" side of  the game board.   The object of the game is to cover the letters in each word on the board with matching letter tiles. 
  • Players take 5 tiles each and keep them face up in front of them so all can see.
  • The first player places 2 of their tiles on the board if they can.  Words must be built up in order - e.g the 2nd letter cannot be played until the first letter is on the board for that word.
  • The player then takes 2 tiles from the pool to keep 5 letter tiles. 
  • Play continues in turns with each player placing 2 tiles if possible and replacing their tiles with 2 from the pool.
  • Players must play tiles if they can, even if only 1.  If unable to go at all, 2 tiles are put back in kitty and the player takes 2 new letter tiles
  • If a player completes a word they take a blue counter, it is possible to complete more than 1 word in a go, if so they take a counter for each word completed.
  • When the pool is empty, play continues until all the words are completed.  There will be some tiles left over. 
  • The winner is the person with the most counters

Level 2: ages 7 years and up.   Uses the 'Colours and Counters" side of the board.  The object is to score as many points as possible by making complete words that interlock vertically and horizontally on the boardThe blue and red counters are placed facedown  in separate piles and form the "kitty"  The tiles are placed the bag and form the "pool"

  • Each player takes 5 tiles and places them face-up for all to see.
  • The first player makes a word on the board with 2 or more of their 5 letters. One tile of this first word must cover the centre square (has a star on it)
  • For each red or blue square the word crosses, players take the same coloured token from the "kitty", then turn them over to see what they scored.
  • Players then take the same number of tiles they used form the "pool' ensuring they have 5 tiles.
  • Play continues in turns with each player  forming new words, the tiles must always join onto or cross a word already on the board and must be complete words. 
  • Play continues until the pool is empty and 1 player has used all their letters or until no player can make more words.
  • Each player adds up the scores on their counters.  The winner is the player with the highest score.

Educational Benefits:
  • become familiar with letters
  • become familiar with new words
  • strategy and problem solving skills in working out how to get the best score
  • taking turns and social interactions
  • introduction to the classic Scrabble game
  • Great winter fun for the whole family
 3 and Up Games for fun, educational board and card games

Here are 2 sites with reviews of Scrabble Junior:
Scrabble Reviews

We would love to hear what you think of this game:  Does it help with literacy learning?  Is it fun for the whole family?

Have fun

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